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In this 21st era of science and technologies, social media has been the game changing phenomenon within communication. Today people and organization remain connected and updated through various forms of social media networks and we are surrounded by Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, Blogs and Microblogs to mention only a few. Also, it is important to note that active users of these social media networks increasing in ramp as days pass by.

Realizing the vast impact of social media in the society and also being a knowledge based NGO, UNIPRO decided to impart the pros, cons and effective methodologies of using social media technologies to the future Aalims of ARI research center in order to make them as next generation Aalims who will use social media as a weapon to propogate the truthiness of Islam to the society as our prophet Muhammad(pbuh)) said that the day of resurrection will not come until Islam reaches each and every home in the world so that no one can deny the fact that they are aware of the Islam.

By keeping in view of far-sightedness in the Islamic Society , Various sophisticated concepts in social media such as protecting privacy of the Aalims, effective way of networking Islamic society, transforming social media as a virtual baithulmal, preserving Jummah Bayans also has been discussed during the interactive session. All praise and gratitude to Allah (SWT)) and May Allah (SWT) make the ARI scholars as a young , dynamic and influential Aalims of the society.

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